Facebook divulga a lista dos 40 artigos mais compartilhados de 2011

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(Fonte da imagem: Facebook / Reprodução)

O Facebook divulgou nesta quarta-feira (30/11) uma lista com os 40 links mais compartilhados na rede social em 2011. Todos os conteúdos listados são em língua inglesa, mostrando a força que o site tem junto ao público norte-americano.

Fotos tiradas por satélites antes e depois dos terremotos e tsunamis no Japão ficaram em primeiro lugar. Conteúdos produzidos por empresas como CNN, The New York Times e Yahoo são os mais frequentes na lista.

Confira quais foram os 40 artigos com maior número de compartilhamentos em 2011

1. Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami (New York Times)

2. What teachers really want to tell parents (CNN)

3. No, your zodiac sign hasnt changed (CNN)

4. Parents, dont dress your girls like tramps (CNN)

5. (video) - Father Daughter Dance Medley (Yahoo)

6. At funeral, dog mourns the death of Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan (Yahoo)

7. Youll freak when you see the new Facebook (CNN)

8. Dog in Japan stays by the side of ailing friend in the rubble (Yahoo)

9. Giant crocodile captured alive in Philippines (Yahoo)

10. New Zodiac Sign Dates: Ophiuchus The 13th Sign? (The Huffington Post)

11. Parents keep child’s gender under wraps (Yahoo)

12. How to Talk to Little Girls (The Huffington Post)

13. Stop Coddling the Super-Rich (New York Times)

14. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior (Wall Street Journal)

15. (video) - Twin Baby Boys Have A Conversation! (Yahoo)

16. Man robs bank to get medical care in jail (Yahoo)

17. Why Youre Not Married (The Huffington Post)

18. A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs (New York Times)

19. Ryan Dunn Dead: Jackass Star Dies In Car Crash (The Huffington Post)

20. Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’ (Yahoo)

21. Notes From a Dragon Mom (New York Times)

22. A Message to Women From a Man: You Are Not "Crazy" (The Huffington Post)

23. Obama’s and Bush’s effects on the deficit in one graph (Washington Post)

24. Penn State, my final loss of faith (Washington Post)

25. Golden-Voiced Homeless Man Captivates Internet (Yahoo)

26. The most typical face on the planet (Yahoo)

27. Widespread destruction from Japan earthquake, tsunamis  (CNN)

28. Permissive parents: Curb your brats (CNN)

29. A fathers day wish: Dads, wake the hell up!(CNN)

30. (video) - Laughing Baby Loves Ripping Paper! (Yahoo)

31. Epic Cover Letter: How To Get Hired For Your Dream Job (PICTURE) (The Huffington Post)

32. New Zodiac sign dates: Dont switch horoscopes yet (Washington Post)

33. Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know (Yahoo)

34. The Psychology of Revenge: Why We Should Stop Celebrating Osama Bin Ladens Death (The Huffington Post)

35. (photo gallery) - ‘Where Children Sleep’ (New York Times)

36. Quake moved Japan coast 8 feet, shifted Earths axis (CNN)

37. Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies (CNN)

38. Chinas latest craze: dyeing pets to look like other wild animals (CNN)

39. Grant Hill’s Response to Jalen Rose (New York Times)

40. Steve Jobs’s Patents (New York Times)

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