Elenco de Glee se despede da atriz Naya Rivera

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Com a confirmação da morte da atriz Naya Rivera, seus ex-colegas de elenco de Glee se reuniram às margens do Lago Piru, no Condado de Ventura, na Califórnia, onde o corpo de Naya foi encontrado, para prestar suas homenagens. O grupo se reuniu, de mãos dadas, à beira do lago.

  Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/Shutterstock/Reprodução

Naya é o terceiro integrante do elenco da série a morrer precocemente. Também em julho, mas em 2013, Cory Monteith faleceu por overdose de heroína e de álcool. Em 2018, Mark Salling foi encontrado morto em um rio, perto de sua casa nos Estados Unidos — acredita-se que ele tenha cometido suicídio.

A causa da morte de Naya foi um afogamento aparentemente acidental. Seu filho de quatro anos a esperava em um barco, enquanto ela desapareceu no lago.

Os ex-colegas de elenco já postavam mensagens de apoio e suas orações para que Naya fosse encontrada com vida desde o seu desaparecimento, no dia 8 de julho. 

A atriz Heather Morris, que interpretava a personagem Brittany, par romântico de Santana Lopez, papel vivido por Naya em Glee, chegou a se oferecer para a policial local para liderar um grupo de buscas no lago. 

Heather esteve no lago, com o elenco de Glee, para prestar suas homenagens.

Confira algumas homenagens feitas pelo elenco nas redes sociais.

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My heart is broken.. I truly had soo much fun filming this little segment... we both clearly didn’t wanna be there but made the most of it! Naya was truly a star.. one day as I was coming out of hair and make up I saw her sitting at base camp and she said “Alex... when you go on tour can you please say ‘everybody say heeeyy Ms. Newell’’ just for me!” I said absolutely we laughed and had a short little convo about life and music.. I’ll cherish that moment for ever!! I watched her preform with such power, brilliance, and honesty.. While being a light as a person! The love she had for her family and friends was always clear! She will truly be missed! Josey you are loved by all the people who love your mother! My thoughts and prayers are with her family! Rest Sweet Angel..

Uma publicação compartilhada por Alex Newell (@thealexnewell) em

My Naya, my Snixxx, my Bee. I legitimately can not imagine this world without you. pic.twitter.com/qX9t1Uhx01

— Kevin McHale (@druidDUDE) July 14, 2020
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There are no words and yet so many things I want to say, I don't believe I'll ever be able to articulate exactly what I feel but... Naya, you were a ?? force and everyone who got to be around you knew it and felt the light and joy you exuded when you walked into a room. You shined on stage and screen and radiated with love behind closed doors. I was lucky enough to share so many laughs, martinis and secrets with you. I can not believe I took for granted that you'd always be here. Our friendship went in waves as life happens and we grow, so I will not look back and regret but know I love you and promise to help the legacy of your talent, humor, light and loyalty live on. You are so loved. You deserved the world and we will make sure Josey and your family feel that everyday. I miss you already.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jenna Ushkowitz (@jennaushkowitz) em

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She has not left my mind this last week. It’s difficult to find words. There was an undeniable beauty that she radiated inside and out, and I consider myself incredibly lucky that I got to witness that up close even for the short period of time that I did. I was so intimidated by her, yet she had a way of disarming that just made you want to be around her, hear what she had to say (because it would undoubtedly be the sharpest and most real thing you would hear all day). She was kind and open to me when she didn’t have to be, when I was a naive, clueless and insecure newcomer. Bravely authentic, genuinely kind, incredibly talented and deeply loved by so many. Thinking of her family and loved ones. Rest In Peace, Naya.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Melissa Benoist (@melissabenoist) em

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Grieving together.

Uma publicação compartilhada por VANESSA LENGIES (@littlelengies) em

Rest sweet, Naya. What a force you were. Love and peace to your family.

— Jane Lynch (@janemarielynch) July 13, 2020
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Naya was insanely talented, breathtakingly gorgeous, and one of the wittiest people I’ve ever met, but the legacy she left behind for me is her kindness. I joined the cast of Glee in the third season and as the newcomer, I was intimidated and terrified. The cast was already such a tight-knit group who had been working incredibly hard together for over three years to make it a hit show and I never expected any of them to have time for me. To my surprise, Naya, one of the most beloved by the rest of the cast (and the entire world), showed me instant warmth and kindness. She invited me to parties and gatherings and was always there to give advice. She was a superstar who had nothing to gain from being kind to the new girl, but she was and that changed this new girl’s entire experience on that show. I will forever be grateful to that beautiful human. My heart goes out to her family and her sweet boy. ??

Uma publicação compartilhada por Becca Tobin (@becca) em

Hey, July 13th....??

— Max Adler (@Mr_Max_Adler) July 13, 2020


— iqbal theba (@iqbaltheba) July 13, 2020

?? Naya, you will be missed so much. ??

— Josh Sussman (@JoshSussman) July 13, 2020

Muito elogiada pela crítica pela sua atuação como a líder de torcida Santana Lopez em Glee, Maya Rivera foi indicada ao Grammy 2011 pela interpretação, junto ao elenco, pela música “Don't Stop Believin”. No mesmo ano, assinou contrato com a Columbia Records para uma carreira solo.

Texto escrito por Marcelo de Oliveira via Nexperts.

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